3 axis gyro-stabilized long-range EOIR drone thermal imaging flir camera

The M2D HD3G is a high speed, light, low profile, micro mini small high performance gyro-stabilized long range
EO-IR drone thermal imaging FLIR camera payload turret
that weighs in at an ultra light 169 grams and measures in at a mere tiny 79mm x 79mm.
This impressive powerhouse of an EO/IR gimbal offers impressive Electro Optical Infrared
zoom with long range optics in both the visible and thermal channels.
Optional IR infrared 0.5 Mrad laser pointer and quick release detachment module
for ease of operation.
Advanced micro-electronics, MEMS and advanced AI engineering guarantee’s robust,
rugged, reliable operation in day/night missions 24/7/365
H265 versus H264
H265 provides superior video compression over H264. H265 enables to use a lower bandwidth link while maintaining similar video quality.
Geo Reference
By utilizing INS data from the AutoPilot, camera IMU reports + geographic data loaded into the system pre-flight, it calculates longitude, latitude, and altitude.
Object tracking
Our systems can track a target designated by the operator, automatically adjusting the camera’s position to keep the LOS (Line of Sight) centered on the target.
Keep track of multiple targets (the LOS is centered on the main target).
License plate reading
Identify a vehicle’s license plate and display it on the OSD (On Screen Display), in addition, the information can be sent to the GCS (Ground Control Station) through a system report. License plate formats from various countries are supported, including the US and EU.
MULTIPLE ADVANCED Object Detection and Classification
Supports five different types of detectors – Human and Vehicle, Fire & Smoke, Human Overboard, Marine Vessel, and Air Craft. Users can control the detection threshold, minimizing false detections.
Upon detection, the units can automatically track the target, zoom in to the target and halt platform movement upon detection.
VIS/IR PIP DuoZoom / Fusion / Side by Side
Stream video from both EO and IR channels simultaneously. The two video streams can be displayed in the following ways: PIP (Picture in Picture), DuoZoom SBS (Side by Side), and Fusion (IR video on top of visible video – Seamless Pixel By Pixel image fuse).
Coordinate Refinement
The system can identify its location and receive more accurate geo location data. Three Dimensional
Modeling and mapping, Record metadata on pictures in a format suitable for 3D models and maps.
Run user applications on The MVP/9960 and 9965 modules by using docker containers, Rather than adding a dedicated platform processor in order to reduce weight, and power consumption
While GPS is available, The M2D will be used in regular manner. When GPS becomes unavailable, the pair can be used to obtain camera/platform location. The unit reports the location (LAT/LON) of the gimbal/platform by analyzing the video stream against a stored orthophotograph without using GPS data.
Image Enhancement
When Image enhancement is ON, The MVP/9965 enhances the colors of a 720p video stream resulting in a more detailed image for obtaining minute subtle objects of interest.
Continuous Visual EO and Thermal IR
UltraStab Multi-Axis/Multi-Stage rock solid Gyro Stabilization
Advanced Target Tracking:
Utilizing a highly accurate processing module, the M2-D UAV Gimbal is capable of unprecedented ground target tracking.
Digital Video Recording:
The Video recording module lets you record high-quality digital video onboard your platform direct from the M2-D UAS Gimbal.
IP Based Video Compression:
The M2-D Compression module converts the system to IP based format for easy integration into IP network platforms.
- Ultra sensitive custom 640×512 zoom thermal imaging IR Channel
- HD long-range BSI CMOS color visible zoom EO zoom channel
- Artificial Intelligence start Tracking and enhancement algorithms
- Smooth instant Continuous zoom on both EO and IR channels
- Multi axis rock steady jitter free Gyro Stabilization Turret
- Ultra lightweight micro mini payload ball turret
- Infrared 0.5 MRAD Laser
- HD Auto-imaging Low-Light CMOS Sensor
New: MVP/9960 AI Module
Offers additional Advanced capabilities, EO/IR object tracking, geo location, video compression, IP Streaming, video recording, LTE, and license plate recognition capabilities. EO/IR object tracking directs the M2D gimbal to precisely track a subject within the gimbals range, ensuring the subject of interest never leaves the view. Geo location captures the position of the M2D, its line of sight, and extracts location of observed objects with unprecedented accuracy. Video compression and IP encapsulation provides significantly low latency compression enabling long range operation. The MVP9960 records high quality video with GPS metadata attached and keeps snapshots to a MicroSD card for simple access and expansion.
MVP/9960 H1 – Human & Vehicle Detection and Classification License is offered to 9960 system users. H1 detects and classifies humans, private vehicles and small trucks in the video. H1 will mark the detected object on the image (OSD) and will describe its type. In addition, H1 will send a report message upon detection and classification. If the image includes multiple objects, H1 will mark and report all of them.
MVP/9960 F1 – Fire & Smoke Detection and Classification, license is offered to 9960 system users. F1 detects and classifies fire and smoke in the video. F1 will mark the detected object on the image (OSD) and will describe its type. In addition, F1 will send a report message upon detection and classification. If the image includes multiple objects, F1 will mark and report all of them.
MVP/9960 H2 Human Overboard Detection and Classification, license is offered for 9960 system users. H2 detects and classifies human in water at the video. H2 will mark the detected object on the image (OSD) and will describe its type. In addition, H2 will send a report message upon detection and classification. If the image includes multiple objects, H2 will mark and report all of them
Additional capability offered by the 3 above listed features is to zoom in on the object upon detection and initiate object tracking.
Intelligent Advanced Modules for M2D EOIR Gimbals
In addition to seamless Pixhawk integration, the MVP/9959 provides object tracking, Geo Reference, Roll De- rotation, Video compression, Video streaming over IP and Video recording.
MVS/9958 is a simplified version of the MVP/9959 but lacks tracking capabilities. PixHawk Adapter
The PixHawk adapter allows seamless integration between M2D Gimbals and the PixHawk but lacks video processing capabilities and the rest of the MVP feature. The PixHawk Adapter receives RC_CHANNELS MAVLINK message from the PixHawk serial interface and converts it to camera commands (e.g., pan / roll / zoom in out / etc). Note: PixHawk adapter cannot be used together with MVP/MVS Modules
The next generation of Advanced modules, The MVP/9960 supports all the features of the MVP/9959 and expands upon them. MVP/9960 is capable of License plate reading (LPR) and object detect & classification. 9960 interfaces
with all M2D Gimbals equipped with an HD interface. An internal 4G LTE modem can be integrated with the module. MVP/9965
The latest version is faster and has more processing power system can determine the platform’s location when GPS is not available and maintain an object’s index across multiple frames.
H265 versus H264
H265 provides superior video compression over H264. H265 enables to use a lower bandwidth link while maintaining similar video quality.
Geo Reference
By utilizing INS data from the AutoPilot, camera IMU reports + geographic data loaded into the MVP 9960/9965 pre- flight, the system calculates longitude, latitude, and altitude.
Object tracking
The MVP 9959 / 9960 and 9965 can track a target designated by the operator, automatically adjusting the camera’s position to keep the LOS (Line of Sight) centered on the target.
MVP/9959 can only track a single object while the MVP 9960 and 9965 can keep track of multiple targets (the LOS is centered on the main target).
License plate reading
The MVP 9960 and 9965 can identify a vehicle’s license plate and display it on the OSD (On Screen Display), in addition, the information can be sent to the GCS (Ground Control Station) through a system report. License plate formats from various countries are supported, including the US and EU.
MULTIPLE ADVANCED Object Detection and Classification
Both The MVP 9960 and 9965 supports five different types of detectors – Human and Vehicle, Fire & Smoke, Human Overboard, Marine Vessel, and Air Craft. Users can control the detection threshold, minimizing false detections.
Upon detection, the units can automatically track the target, zoom in to the target and halt platform movement upon detection.
VIS/IR PIP DuoZoom / Fusion / Side by Side
9960/9965 can stream video from both channels simultaneously. The two video streams can be displayed in the following ways: PIP (Picture in Picture), DuoZoom SBS (Side by Side), and Fusion (IR video on top of visible video – Seamless Pixel By Pixel image fuse).
Coordinate Refinement
The MVP 9960 and 9965 can be loaded with an orthophotograph of the flight area containing precise geographic metadata. Using image processing techniques, the system can identify its location and receive more accurate geo location data.
Three Dimensional Modeling and mapping
The MVP 9960 / 9965 can record metadata on pictures in a format suitable for 3D models and maps.
User application can run on The MVP 9960 and 9965 hardware by using docker containers. Running user application on The MVP 9960 and 9965 instead of adding a dedicated platform processor reduces weight, power consumption, and results in a smaller form factor.
While GPS is available, The M2D and MVP/9965 will be used in regular manner. When GPS becomes unavailable, the pair can be used to obtain camera/platform location. The MVP/9965 unit reports the location (LAT/LON) of the gimbal/platform by analyzing the video stream against a stored orthophotograph without using GPS data.
Image Enhancement
When Image enhancement is ON, The MVP/9965 enhances the colors of a 720p video stream resulting in a more enhanced image for obtaining minute subtle details.
The M2D drone thermal flir gimbal gyro stabilized imaging system can easily be mounted on Quad/multi copters and platforms like the DJI Phantom UAV, The M2D Mounts
to all DJI UAV’s and All commercial and custom drones. The M2D micro mini, rugged EOIR gimbal is also ideal for short, mid, and long range zoom remote sensing applications on fixed wing and rotary aircrafts.
Background: Military unmanned vehicles UAV’s of today and tomorrow rely heavily on electro-optical EO Infrared IR sensor payloads to perform their missions.
These are the sensors that detect light in many different spectra, and enable unmanned vehicles to see. Electro-optical Infrared EOIR payloads are the sensors
that enable unmanned vehicles (UAV/UAS/DRONE) to see and avoid obstacles, detect movement, navigate accurately, find the enemy, and warn of the potential
for buried improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Designers of electro-optical Infrared Thermal EOIR – T sensor payloads for unmanned vehicles are under intense
pressure to evolve their technologies to keep pace with fast-moving trends in the unmanned vehicles industry. Perhaps in no other market are needs for ever-smaller,
lighter, and less expensive payloads as urgent as they are in the unmanned vehicles business. Small size, weight, and power consumption-known by its ubiquitous
acronym SWaP-is a paramount concern.
Unmanned systems, UAV’s Uas, Suas, Drones, Unmanned Robots, especially the airborne variety, are proliferating at an explosive rate, and demand is extending
beyond the military to more cost-sensitive industries such as law enforcement, agriculture, commercial remote sensing, traffic monitoring, and sporting events.
Put simply, a growing number of people need unmanned vehicles that are small, inexpensive, and reliable, and they need electro-optical sensor payloads to match.
Not only is there demand for ever-smaller, lighter, and less expensive electro-optical Infrared IR (thermal FLIR imaging, Thermal imaging IR Infrared Camera)
Gimbal Turret payloads, but demand for capability also is increasing.
As electro-optical and electronic component technology becomes smaller, lighter, and more affordable, payload designers sometimes have the option of choosing
between smaller size and weight, or more capability. Sometimes they strive to do both, and this presents some interesting possibilities in design tradeoffs.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are at the forefront of unmanned vehicle research, development, and procurement. Although no less important than
unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) and unmanned marine vehicles, it is the UAV that is setting the agenda for unmanned electro-optical sensor payloads.
At the top of that UAV/UAS/Drone/Robot agenda is a broad trend toward large and growing numbers of relatively small UAVs that can provide local-area
and short-duration surveillance-the kinds of UAVs that can provide squad leaders a view over the next hill.
In the not-too-distant past there was a big push on developing sensor technology, and size and weight didn’t matter because DOD had large aircraft like
Global Hawk and Predator, as well as manned aircraft, hyperspectral imaging sensors are small and rugged enough to fit on relatively small UAVs.
Hyperspectral imaging is a sophisticated discipline that samples a wide variety of bandwidths in the light spectrum to provide a rich data set and detect
objects of interest not visible to single-bandwidth imaging sensors.
The key element to to reduce size and weight, that is Key!
Engineers started with a very small gimbal, and added high-definition visible-light video along with hyper spectral sensor payload.
The imperative for small size and light weight has forced mfg’s to a common material set able to withstand harsh environmental
conditions such as the stress placed on UAV takeoffs and landings. “The tarmac in the Middle East can be 120 degrees, and the payload must go to
thousands of feet a few minutes later where it is much colder,”
As electro-optical Infrared (Thermal imaging FLIR camera) drone thermal flir gimbal (EOIR FLIR) payloads for unmanned vehicles must continue to shrink in size,
the engineering challenges become heavier and force engineers to make some custom designs where years ago they would have considered only off-the-shelf solutions.
Many thermal cameras and shortwave infrared (SWIR) cameras available off the shelf are not made to withstand the physical rigors of small UAV, As a result,
Companies have been forced to evaluate the size of electro-mechanical elements of these sensors, and invest in new detector technology for electro-mechanical components
Custom design like this does not come cheaply, but electro-optical payload designers are seeking cost savings elsewhere.
The Evolution of Small lightweight affordable EOIR Thermal imaging Gimbal Turret Payloads incorporating
FLIR TV SWIR MWIR LWIR, CCD, BSTFA, Color Night vision, Cooled and Uncooled Infrared Technology will continue
To advance with the advent of smaller more efficient and sensitive detectors and lasers, The Gyro Stabilization will Get much better and smaller as well
Our gimbals now come standard with long range zoom 1920 x 1200
And 1280 x 1024 ultra sensitive HD hand selected
long range zoom IR camera.
The M2D Mini UAV UAS drone thermal flir gimbal Payload Represents one of the smallest stabilized EOIR LWIR Uncooled Gimbal in the market today!